2015年度 秋の研究大会 短信

→短信:報告と写真を掲載しました [2016/02/26]




日時 10月24日(土)10:00-17:00
場所 東海大学高輪キャンパス 4201・4202教室[地図]
大会参加費 無料(会員・非会員とも)


10:00 受付開始
10:30-12:00 第一部:自由報告
10:30-11:00 鈴木雅博(大同大学)
11:00-11:30 三部光太郎(千葉大学大学院)
11:30-12:00 海老田大五朗(新潟青陵大学)
T学園/C社の組織デザインと商品開発 [→概要
12:00-13:30 昼食
13:30-14:00 総会
14:00-17:00 第二部:特別講演(講演は英語で行われます)
14:00-14:05 主旨説明:司会 黒嶋智美(千葉大学)
14:05-14:50 John Heritage(University of California, Los Angeles)Are explicit apologies proportional to the offenses they address? [→概要
14:50-14:55 指定討論:串田秀也(大阪教育大学)
14:55-15:05 リプライおよび質疑応答
15:05-15:10 休憩(5分)
15:10-15:55 Doug Maynard(University of Wisconsin-Madison)Directing & assessing children during Autism diagnosis: An EMCA perspective[→概要
15:55-16:00 指定討論:浦野 茂(三重県立看護大学)
16:00-16:10 リプライおよび質疑応答
16:10-16:15 休憩(5分)
16:15-17:00 全体討論
17:00 閉会


Are explicit apologies proportional to the offenses they address? John Heritage University of California, Los Angeles, USA

In this paper, we consider Goffman’s proposal of proportionality between virtual offenses and remedial actions, based on the examination of 102 cases of explicit apologies. To this end, we offer a typology of the primary apology formats within the dataset, together with a broad categorization of the types of virtual offenses to which these apologies are addressed. We find a broad proportionality between apologies and the offenses they remediate when the offenses to be remediated are minor, however this relationship is not sustained among larger apologies and offenses. In the latter cases, relational and contextual contingencies are important intervening factors influencing apology construction.

Directing & assessing children during Autism diagnosis: An EMCA perspective Doug Maynard University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA

This presentation is labeled “notes” because it is an outline of research in progress. This project, funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation, involves field research entitled, “The Sociology of Testing and Diagnosis for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).” From this project, I aim to identify three phenomena. First, I show the relationship between ASD and the avenue it carves into the ethnomethodological world of everyday practices. Original definitions of autism in the work of Kanner (1943) and Asperger (1944) basically describe breaches of commonsense order, and thereby suggest how ASD may give access to what commonsense consists of. Second, in clinical testing, breaches of commonsense often show up as violations of “directive-response” sequences. After being asked for a particular answer or performance, the child appears to be willfully noncompliant. Third, clinicians make sense of such conduct by depicting the agency of a child separate from the interactional contexts in which violations occur. Clinical sense making also includes “anecdotal optimism,” which is putting a positive twist on the child’s otherwise violative behavior. Once again, commonsense works toward providing for the appearance of a benign social world. To demonstrate the robustness of these phenomena, I will show two examples from different eras in the diagnosis of autism.


教師間相互行為における成員カテゴリーの諸相 鈴木雅博(大同大学)


クライアントの応答を組み換える―キャリア形成支援カウンセリングにおける、意志、動機、責任の帰属実践についての会話分析 三部光太郎(千葉大学大学院)


T学園/C社の組織デザインと商品開発 海老田大五朗(新潟青陵大学)



  • この案内に関する問い合わせ先: 前田泰樹
  • 入会手続き等,EMCA研に関する問い合わせ先:エスノメソドロジー・会話分析研究会 事務局(EMCA研事務局)